DANBACH ROBOT JIANGXI.INC. Phone:0086-18801818975Tel:0086-0791-88133135
Address:Nanchang High - tech Zone Innovation No. 811
The composition of Lurking agv
Lurking agv consists of the following parts: body, battery, on-board charging device, control system, drive, steering, precision positioning device, transfer mechanism, communication unit and guidance system.
1. Body: It consists of the frame and corresponding mechanical and electrical structures such as gearboxes, motors, wheels and so on. The frame is often welded steel and requires sufficient rigidity.
2. Battery and charging device: It is often powered by 24V or 48V DC industrial battery.

3. Drive: The drive is a servo-driven variable speed control that drives the driving agv and has speed control and braking capabilities. It consists of wheels, reducers, brakes, motors and speed controllers and is controlled by computer or manual. The speed adjustment can be performed by means of pulse width speed regulation or frequency conversion speed regulation. The straight walking speed can reach 1m/s, 0.2~0.5m/s when turning, and 0.1m/s when approaching the stop point.
4. Steering device:
Lurking agv is often designed in three modes of motion: forward only; forward and backward; longitudinal, lateral, oblique and swivel motion. There are also three types of steering gear: (1) hinged steering three-wheeled models. (2) Differential steering four-wheel model. (3) All-wheel steering four-wheeled vehicle.
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