DANBACH ROBOT JIANGXI.INC. Phone:0086-18801818975Tel:0086-0791-88133135
Address:Nanchang High - tech Zone Innovation No. 811
The communication system mode of AGV Vehicle
The AGV Vehicle communication system is available in two ways: continuous and decentralized.
1, continuous. Allows the AGV Vehicle to use RF methods at any time and anywhere with respect to the ground controls, or to use inductive communications buried in the guide path, such as radio, infrared laser communication methods. At present, infrared laser online real-time two-way data communication can reach a distance of 120 meters. If the laser power is insufficient, it can be relayed every 15~20 meters.

2, decentralized. Communication is provided between a particular AGV and the ground controller at a predetermined location, such as an AGV Vehicle robotic docking station. This communication is typically accomplished by inductive or optical means. The disadvantage of decentralized communication is that the AGV Vehicle fails between the two communication points and will not be able to contact the ground control station. At present, most AGVs Vehicle use decentralized communication methods, mainly because the price is relatively cheap and the problem of failure between two communication points rarely occurs.
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