DANBACH ROBOT JIANGXI.INC. Phone:0086-18801818975Tel:0086-0791-88133135
Address:Nanchang High - tech Zone Innovation No. 811
Safety considerations for AGV systems
1. AGV magnetic navigation sensor safety
The AGV is powered by a battery and is equipped with an automatic navigation device such as electromagnetic or optical. It can be automatically and independently addressed and controlled by computer system to complete unmanned driving and operation. Therefore, safety design is one of the most important aspects of its development and design.
The function of the safety device includes preventing the equipment from malfunctioning during operation and preventing the impact of the operation error on the personnel and its operating environment facilities. In addition to protecting the safety of the AGV itself and maintaining the smooth completion of the AGV function, the safety device is still the largest. It is possible to protect the safety of personnel and operating environment facilities within the possible scope.
In terms of AGV, it can be divided into automatic trucks, automatic trailers and automatic forklifts. In addition, depending on the way of guiding, it can be divided into electromagnetic guidance, laser guidance, inertial guidance and other AGVs. Forms, due to differences in functional uses and structures, the settings of their safety devices vary. Therefore, in combination with various structures, the AGV automatic guided trolley should consider the following safety precautions.
2. What should be paid attention to in the AGV car?
1) AGV car use environment: including static environment and dynamic environment;
Static environment: refers to the constant environment around the AGV trolley running route, including workshop pillars, equipment, noise and electromagnetic interference. It affects the choice of the AGV trolley travel path and the stability of the AGV trolley.
Dynamic environment: refers to the changing environment in the operating environment of the AGV car over time, such as: logistics vehicles, trucks, AGVs in motion, pedestrians, etc.
2) AGV car path conditions: divided into simple paths and complex paths;
Simple path: This refers to a single-line, round-trip, and other AGV travel path with a straight line. It is suitable for the round-trip transportation of materials between the exit and the entrance of the reservoir area; the material transportation of the automobile assembly shop, the engine and the rear axle assembly loop. Common guiding methods are electromagnetic guidance and tape guidance.
Complex path: This refers to the intersection of multiple curves, regional dispersion, irregular channels, random allocation of multiple vehicles, and strict requirements for traffic management. It is suitable for material transportation between multiple entrances and exits in the warehouse area and various units in the production workshop, such as the transportation of auxiliary materials in the cigarette workshop, storage, and transportation of raw materials for LCD panel plants. Common guiding methods such as laser guidance.
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