DANBACH ROBOT JIANGXI.INC. Phone:0086-18801818975Tel:0086-0791-88133135
Address:Nanchang High - tech Zone Innovation No. 811
AGV car needs to pay attention to safety issues
1. Safety issues. At present, compared with the relevant European safety standards, the biggest problem in domestic AGV is that the corresponding safety requirements of the safety part of the control system are not considered, and the common control function and the safety control function are confused, which is far from meeting the standard requirements. The company has been engaged in the sales process of AGV for a long time and has summarized the following problems:

2. mechanical brake system, the domestic AGV generally does not have a mechanical brake system, most of them use electronic brakes, let alone meet the action requirements and braking requirements.
3. safety and functional requirements, AGV should be installed mechanical brake system, using power-off braking, power interruption, work when the fault occurs, the car loses speed or work when turning.
4. braking requirements, the brake device to ensure the AGV and its maximum allowable load, can maintain the specified working slope without slipping, considering the load, speed, friction, slope and wear, the brake system in the laser The detection range of the radar can stop the AGV.
5. stability, at present, most of the handling device mainly relies on friction to maintain the relative positional relationship between the shelf and the AGV. In an emergency, once the emergency stop button is taken, the shelf is likely to be dumped or unstable. On most AGVs, safety PLCs or safety relays are not installed, and performance level requirements for safety-related parts of the control system are not considered.
6. The load handling device shall be designed to move in a fixed position in any mode of operation, including emergency stop and loading and unloading.
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